Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Herman the Worm

We had so much fun making our own "Herman the Worm" puppet from old socks.  Each child was given the opportunity to decorate their own puppet.  At the end of the day, we sang our song, and acted it out using their own sock puppet.  For those of you interested, Herman the Worm is a very cute song, and goes like this:
I was sitting on the fence post,
Chewing my bubble gum (smack, smack, smack, smack),
Playing with my yo-you, (Wee-oo,wee-oo),
And along came Herman the Worm,
and he was this big! (they motion on their arm how big he is)
I said "Herman, what's happening?"
He said "I ate________" (the children make a suggestion for here.
as they do so, Herman eats the treat, and the puppeteer pulls up the sock
a little bit longer.
The song continues until Herman gets quite long on the puppeteers arm.
After so many food items, Herman becomes quite small again, and
when asked: "Herman, what's happening?", he replies in a teeny,
tiny voice, "I burped-excuse me!"

What fun!

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